Traffic Violations

Aggressive Criminal & DUI Defense Attorneys based out of San Luis Obispo & Santa Maria.

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Expert Traffic Violations Defense

Have you received a traffic violation ticket in the Central Coast of California? Central Coast Criminal Defense is here to provide you with skilled legal representation to defend against traffic violations. Our team of experienced traffic defense attorneys understands the potential consequences of traffic violations and is committed to protecting your rights and achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

Understanding Traffic Violations

Traffic violations can have serious implications, including fines, license points, increased insurance premiums, and even license suspension. It is crucial to understand the various types of traffic violations and how to effectively defend against them.


Speeding is one of the most common traffic violations. It occurs when a driver exceeds the posted speed limit or drives at an unsafe speed for the given road conditions. Defenses against speeding charges may include:

  • Challenging the accuracy of speed measurement devices.
  • Questioning the calibration and maintenance records of speed detection equipment.

Running a Red Light or Stop Sign

Running a red light or stop sign is a serious violation that endangers other motorists and pedestrians. Defenses against red light or stop sign violations may include:

  • Contesting the accuracy or timing of the traffic signal.
  • Arguing unforeseen circumstances or emergency situations.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving involves operating a vehicle with willful disregard for the safety of others. Defenses against reckless driving charges may include:

  • Disputing the alleged dangerous driving behavior.
  • Challenging the credibility of eyewitness testimonies.

Improper Lane Changes

Improper lane changes occur when a driver fails to signal, checks improperly, or fails to yield to other vehicles. Defenses against improper lane change charges may include:

  • Challenging the officer’s observations or lack of evidence.
  • Providing alternative explanations or justifications for the lane change.

Failure to Yield

Failure to yield violations occur when a driver fails to yield the right-of-way to another vehicle or pedestrian as required by traffic laws. Defenses against failure to yield charges may include:

  • Arguing the absence of clear signage or road markings.
  • Presenting evidence of extenuating circumstances that made yielding difficult or unsafe.

Following Too Closely

Following too closely, also known as tailgating, refers to driving with insufficient distance between vehicles. Defenses against following too closely charges may include:

  • Contesting the accuracy of the officer’s estimation of the distance.
  • Demonstrating mitigating circumstances that necessitated closer following.

Failure to Signal

Failure to signal violations occur when a driver fails to use turn signals or fails to signal lane changes. Defenses against failure to signal charges may include:

  • Contesting the officer’s observations or the visibility of the turn signal.
  • Demonstrating alternative methods of communication used to signal intentions.

Driving on a Suspended or Revoked License

Driving on a suspended or revoked license is a serious offense with severe penalties. Defenses against driving on a suspended or revoked license charges may include:

  • Challenging the legality or validity of the license suspension or revocation.
  • Proving that you were unaware of the suspension or revocation.

Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Leaving the scene of an accident, also known as hit-and-run, is a serious offense. Defenses against leaving the scene of an accident charges may include:

  • Arguing lack of knowledge or awareness of the accident.
  • Demonstrating reasonable efforts made to identify the owner of the damaged property.

Unsafe Lane Changes

Unsafe lane changes occur when a driver changes lanes without proper signaling or without regard for the safety of other motorists. Defenses against unsafe lane change charges may include:

  • Challenging the officer’s perception or lack of evidence.
  • Providing evidence of a safe and lawful lane change.

Violating Traffic Control Devices

Violating traffic control devices involves disregarding the instructions of signs, signals, and road markings. Defenses against traffic control device violations may include:

  • Contesting the visibility or accuracy of the traffic control device.
  • Arguing unforeseen circumstances or defective equipment.

Driving Without Insurance

Driving without insurance is a serious offense that can result in significant penalties. Defenses against driving without insurance charges may include:

  • Demonstrating proof of insurance coverage at the time of the alleged offense.
  • Challenging the accuracy or validity of the insurance verification process.

Improper Passing

Improper passing occurs when a driver passes another vehicle in an unsafe or illegal manner. Defenses against improper passing charges may include:

  • Disputing the officer’s perception of the passing maneuver.
  • Demonstrating adherence to traffic laws and safety precautions during the passing maneuver.

Illegal U-Turns

Illegal U-turns involve making a U-turn in violation of traffic laws or at a location where U-turns are prohibited. Defenses against illegal U-turn charges may include:

  • Arguing lack of clear signage or road markings indicating U-turn restrictions.
  • Demonstrating that the U-turn was made in a safe and lawful manner.

Excessive Noise from a Vehicle

Excessive noise violations occur when a vehicle emits noise that exceeds permissible levels. Defenses against excessive noise violations may include:

  • Challenging the accuracy or calibration of noise measurement devices.
  • Presenting evidence of vehicle malfunctions or modifications beyond the driver’s control.

At Central Coast Criminal Defense, our experienced traffic defense attorneys have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively defend against traffic violations. We will meticulously review the evidence, challenge the prosecution’s case, and strive to achieve the best possible outcome for your situation.

Contact Central Coast Criminal Defense today to schedule a confidential consultation and begin building your defense against traffic violation charges.

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